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Four Nextcloud hosting pricing tiers for different business needs. Try the 7-day free Nextcloud hosting to select the one that best fits you.
Nextcloud cloud storage provides a flexible, secure, and customizable solution for storing and sharing files, collaborating with others, and managing your online storage environment. Whether you're an individual or a business, Nextcloud cloud storage can provide a cost-effective and reliable solution for your online storage needs.
Install Nextcloud software quickly and conveniently without the hassle of a tedious installation process.
We have a robust infrastructure in US data centers, ensuring that users' websites can achieve stable network connections.
Cloud Clusters' managed Nextcloud hosting provides round-the-clock technical support to help you resolve any issues related to your Nextcloud storage server.
Ensures high availability of your Nextcloud website, minimizing downtime to the greatest extent possible.
Offers different levels of hosting plans, allowing you to easily upgrade or downgrade to meet your website's growing needs.
Regularly backs up your Nextcloud website according to your plan, allowing you to restore website data and settings at any time.
You can quickly start your Nextcloud with just one click, import/export any files via FTP, and securely manage your Nextcloud through Shell/SSH, all in one place.
Users can migrate at any time, whether they are migrating from other Nextcloud hosting providers, or need to migrate data when upgrading the hosting plan, there will be no restrictions and no fees.
Discover the comprehensive security measures we use to keep your Nextcloud website safe and secure.
Compared to shared hosting, Nextcloud hosting uses Docker container technology to isolate and protect each hosted website, enhancing website security.
Nextcloud hosting utilizes a professional DDoS protection system that can detect and filter malicious traffic, keeping your website secure and accessible.
Our Nextcloud cloud hosting service includes web application firewall protection to shield Nextcloud sites from cyberattacks and malicious behaviors.
Managed Nextcloud hosting also provides a free SSL certificate to protect the security of the website and improve its search engine ranking.
A control panel helps users to manage Nextcloud hosting and database easily.
The control panel offers a site and SSL management section where you can set your custom URL, install SSL certificate, manage DNS zone and URL redirection for your NextCloud site.
We provide a 7-day free Nextcloud hosting trial. By claiming a trial with the managed Nextcloud hosting, users can easily set up and experience their Nextcloud storage in a few mouse clicks, enabling them to make informative decisions before committing to a cheap Nextcloud hosting subscription.
After registering, choose a plan, select a Nextcloud version, opt for a data center location, and install Nextcloud software with just a few clicks. Your Nextcloud will be ready within a few minutes.
In the control panel, you can add your custom website domain, install free SSL, set the website admin password, and manage the DNS records and HTTP redirects.
In the Nextcloud, you can start to store, access, and share your data from any device or location. You can also collaborate with your team on documents, video chat and groupware.
Cloud Clusters will take care of server operation and security, so you don't have to. Enjoy Nextcloud storage and easily manage your Nextcloud in the control panel, such as backup, restore, and resource usage.
With over 400,000 deployments, Nextcloud is the most popular content collaboration platform you can use to build your cloud storage. Try a free Nextcloud hosting and select one to host your Nextcloud storage.
Nextcloud brings chat, comments, planning, and document sharing and editing together for maximum productivity. It allows users to sync files and folders across multiple devices, ensuring access to the latest version of files from anywhere.
Nextcloud facilitates collaboration among teams by enabling real-time document editing, version control, and commenting. Multiple users can work on shared files simultaneously, improving productivity and streamlining workflows.
Nextcloud enables remote access to files stored in the cloud, allowing users to retrieve and work on their files from any device with an internet connection. It offers dedicated mobile apps for iOS and Android, ensuring seamless access to files on smartphones and tablets.
Oextcloud Hub integrates the four key Nextcloud products - Files, Talk, Groupware, and Office - into a single platform. It also can be connected to productivity tools, project management software, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and more, enhancing functionality and extending its capabilities.