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3 Locations
Cabinets, custom cages, private suites.
Diverse fiber infrastructure.
Specifically optimized for high-density deployment.
Secure storage in all facilities.
Redundant N+1 power and cooling systems.
Unique multi-pod site design.
Redundant diesel generators, N+1 power coguration.
5MW Pacific power service, substantial onsite fuel storage.
Overhead A & B starline bus service.
120V and 208V service.
15A, 20A, & 30A circuits.
N+1 cooling redundancy.
Ultra-efficient indirect evaporative cooling.
Supports high power densities.
Low latency to west coast USA and Asia/Pacific.
24-hour staffing of network operations center.
24/7 escorted on-site entry.
Alarm system with CCTV surveillance throughout the facility.
Biometric finger scanners; access cards.
24/7 technical support staff on-site.
Easy access to kitchen/break room.
On-site customer support center available.
Business continuity center.
2 transformers with 3500 kVA capacity with expansion to 10MW.
2 x 2 MW cummins generator backup.
3 x 600 Liebert kVA UPS in 2N+1 configuration.
14 x 125 kVA Liebert PDUs in an A/B configuration.
12 x 30-ton Liebert air-cooled units totaling 360 tons in N+2 configuration.
24/7 secured entrance.
Physical access pre-approved via access permissions defined by the customer.
Government issued photo ID verification.
Documented ingress and egress history.
Card-key access into data center.
Locking cages / suites.
Interior and exterior video surveillance.
Custom security options available.
Perimeter fence with security gate.
Experienced 24/7 facilities management team.
Environment (thermal conditions) monitored 24/7.
All Building Management Systems (BMS) monitored 24/7.
Comprehensive energy metering systems.
Connections available to AMSIX, DE-CIX and SIX.
Bandwidth providers: KCFiber/liNKCity, Wholesale Internet, Zayo, AT&T, UPN, Consolidated, Hurricane Electric.
Dedicated wave and DF available to 1102 Grand, 1100 Walnut and 101 Holmes.
24/7/365 monitored video surveillance.
100% 4K UHD cameras.
Every part of the data center floor can be seen from 2 angles.
Diverse power feeds from diverse substations (Avondale and NKC).
Dedicated substation breakers.
Dedicated power lines direct to NKC substation.
Evergy Ttier 1 customer (same restore priority as Hospitals and 911).
N+1 natural gas generators
Redundant A/B/C/D power available
N+1 HVAC Units
Raised floor design with hot/cold aisles.
Temperature/Humidity/Pressure sensors on every rack.
Autonomous humidity regulation.